Be a Calming Influence
Try to remain calm when someone tells you about the crime they have experienced.
Avoid judging or challenging them about how/why the crime occurred.
Reassure the victim that they are not to blame and their response to the trauma is normal.
Provide Support
Be patient, listen carefully and allow emotional responses to occur.
Help the person to feel safe and reassure them that they are no longer in danger.
Allow the person to have time to themselves as well, be guided by what they want.
Don’t Minimise
Avoid making statements which minimise the situation or the person’s feelings, e.g.: ‘it could have been worse,’ ‘you’re lucky xyz didn’t happen,’ or ‘you’ll get over it.’
Offer Practical Support
Provide practical support such as assisting with housework or daily tasks, making phone calls for, or with them, e.g.: insurance company, support people etc.
Care for Yourself
Ensure you also manage your own needs and care for your wellbeing.
Be clear what support you can offer.