Victims of Crime NT Inc. is a community organisation, established in 1995 to support victims across the Northern Territory who are affected by crime. Our aim is to assist people to recover, restore and grow through the provision of a range of practical and emotional support services, and prevention activities. VoCNT advocates for and promotes public and government awareness of the needs, rights, and interests of victims of crime.
Wellbeing support
If you become concerned about your thoughts and feelings, Victims of Crime NT are here to help you and your family.
Justice support
The criminal justice system is complex. We can help you understand your rights and provide support.
Keeping our remote communities safe
We work with remote communities to increase personal and community safety.
Biz-Secure Audits
We are a registered contractor of Biz-Secure Audits and we can help your business undertake security improvements.
Personal safety workshops
We hold personal safety workshops for the general community, seniors and women.
Helpful organisations
We partner with Government agencies and NFPs to provide you with helpful information and support.