We understand experiencing crime can have a severe impact on your emotional and social wellbeing. We provide case management support, information & referral and crisis counselling.

VoCNT understands the impacts of crime are very personal and can be triggered by many things including court dates, social media, or random memories.  You are not alone, we’re here to help. You can contact VoCNT to access any element of our specialist services. 

Our Victim Support team will assist victims of any crime committed anywhere in the Northern Territory if they need emotional support or case management coordination.  We follow our research informed Service Delivery Framework and Therapeutic Practice Models to provide personalised support to victims working toward emotional stabilisation, recovery and post traumatic growth.

Your safety is key. It’s important that you are safe. Seek support from safe and trusted people.

Reach out to people that can support you. You might find it hard to ask for help at first, but with the support of others you’ll begin to recover quicker than dealing with it on your own.

This could be a friendly listening ear, someone that can simply sit with you, or just knowing that someone is there for you.

You may feel a range of emotions including, anger, worry, stress, sadness, frustration or despair.

These feelings may be quite strong for a couple of days. It is important that you acknowledge what you are feeling is normal, given what you have experienced.

If you become concerned about your thoughts and feelings, Victims of Crime NT are here to help you and your family

Further to this, we provide an Intensive Case Management Support that serves as advocacy specific to victims of domestic violence and their families. It is a wrap-around case management service that provides face-to-face, phone and online support to promote safety and help clients feel heard by services and authorities. 

Specific to this Case Management service includes 

  • Crisis counselling
  • Advocacy
  • Help understand the criminal justice system and how to engage with it.
  • Assess support needs, connect to services and assistance to keep appointments (e.g. health, housing, kids)
  • Help lodge DVOs & PVOs (Personal Violence Orders)
  • Guidance with Victim Impact Statements (VIS)
  • Completing applications for financial assistance (e.g. CVSU)
  • Support to access the Victims Register
  • Supporting families to heal and maintain safety after DFV.



Would you like to be contacted by one of our specialist team members at Victims of Crime NT?

This will generally occur on the next business day after your request.

Also be sure to check out our resources page to learn more information about you and the justice system.